According to a group of special email list scholars of the national reality of the magazine arrangement between the leaders of the pnh and Libre in the National Congress, which allowed the latter group representation in the new electoral bodies, is the main of the orlandista regimeMauricio Oliva, current president of the National Congress special email list and presidential candidate for the pnh for the elections, has not hesitated to congratulate himself for reaching an agreement with Zelaya. Indeed, as an important scholar of Central American politics observed more than years ago, the political process in this region is fundamentally a game of "manipulation special email list and negotiation.
A between competitors for power, whose resources are the object special email list of appreciation and recognition." reciprocal that leads to a high-level negotiated agreeme. However, a good part of the citizenry does not seem to identify special email list with the traditional "competitors for power", and initiatives such as the most recent Platform for the Fight for Health and Education, led by the president of the Medical Association, Suyapa Figueroa, are largely perceived as legitimate alternatives for the defense of public services and to reactivate the special email list opposition movement to the.
We authoritarian Hernández special email list regime.Figueroa led the marches of teachers, doctors, students and other social sectors in the occupation of highways in the country during the course of the year 2019, denouncing the neoliberal drifts special email list of the government in matters of health and education, demanding its guarantees as universal rights, without restrictions, with quality, but above all warmth. The failure of neoliberalism in special email list Honduras is unequivocal, and the collapse of health and educational structures is its maximum expression.