But, as is well known, the evaluation of individuals in the economy, far from being an "objective" assessment, is almost always related to the Whatsapp Mobile Number List sympathy they have for the government. This is precisely what is observed when viewing public opinion data in Ecuador between 2008-2019, using the AmericasBarometer Whatsapp Mobile Number List as an instrument.two.
Throughout this entire period, as expected, the Whatsapp Mobile Number List Correistas had always held more favorable views of the economy than the anti-Correistas. But the direction of the trend changed around 2014-2016. From that moment on, when Whatsapp Mobile Number List responded retrospectively about their perceptions of the previous year, the Correistas also began to state that the situation was worse than before, and their assessment began to coincide with that of their opponents.
The same change of direction is observed in the Whatsapp Mobile Number List tendency of the perception of correĆstas and anticorreĆstas about the personal economy and about the economic situation of their family. In other words, despite the real improvement in several social indicators (compared to those of the pre-Correa period, as far as official Whatsapp Mobile Number List indicators allow us to see).